Until now, the ESP based sensors were running as a tiny web server. This means they're at full power all the time, 80mA average according to the data sheet. With soldering a tiny wire to a pin on the ESP-01-modules it is possible to let the ESP sleep for some time - at less than 100µA usually. This greatly reduces power consumption and even makes battery based wifi sensors possible. The ESP is awake for collecting and sending data for a few seconds and then sleeps a long time.
For using deepsleep, ESP-01 needs a wire from Pin 8 (GPIO16)
to RESET. Magnifier glasses help with this modification. |
I had to rewrite my data fetching logic for that. Instead of calling the web servers on the ESP modules, the modules now collect the data, send it to the Raspberry Pi and go to sleep for five minutes - more or less, the timer is quite inaccurate. 300 seconds tend to result in 280s, plus some seconds for connecting to Wifi, reading the sensor and connecting and sending the data to the server. Thus the rrd databases must accept the data more frequently, I had to rebuild them:
rrdtool create /var/www/rrd/bedroom.rrd -s 280 DS:temp:GAUGE:600:-40:100 DS:hum:GAUGE:600:0:120 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:672 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:732 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:144:1460
To receive the data on the RasPi, a python CGI scipt helps:
LUA script has several optimizations already which help it running faster (creating the send string with a table and table.concat for example) and let the ESP sleep earlier again. One enhancement is to compile the needed modules (Si7021.lua to Si7021.lc, delete the .lua afterwards). The main program can be compiled as well and renamed to init.lua for faster startup. A minor glitch in that program keeps the ESP awake unneccessary long - moving the deepsleep call from the on:disconnect handler to the on:receive one helps getting the wake-time down by several seconds.
For mobile ESPs until now the
MCP1700 LDO behind a LiIon battery gives the best performance. Without the power LED, but a Si7021 connected the quiescent current during deep sleep is down to ~45µA. A DHT22 worked well over weeks, but the quiescent current is way higher and it is really imprecise and slow.